The MedicationSense E-Newsletter 2015

The MedicationSense E-Newsletter 2014
The MedicationSense E-Newsletter 2013
Biorhythms and Erythromelalgia: Why EM Symptoms Worsen in the Evening and at Night.
The MedicationSense E-Newsletter 2012
Dr. Cohen’s 9th Book: 15 Natural Remedies for Migraine Headaches. Mainstream medicine’s approach to migraines is drugs, but natural remedies can work just as well with few adverse effects.
The Medical Treatment of Erythromelalgia (updated January 2012).This rare and disabling disorder can now be treated effectively in many cases.
What is Erythromelalgia? A new hypotheses that explains why erythromelalgia acts as it does.
Supplements and Herbs in the Treatment of Erythromelalgia. Many supplements and herbs can improve or worsen EM.
The MedicationSense E-Newsletter 2011
Sexual Side Effects from Antidepressant Drugs: Treatments that May Help.
The MedicationSense E-Newsletter 2010
New Report: Akathisia Related to the Use of Cipro.This serious side effect needs to be added to Cipro’s product information.
The MedicationSense E-Newsletter 2009
The Crestor for C-Reactive Protein Study: Limited Benefits and Serious Risks. What are the implications as doctors place millions of patients on this powerful, cholesterol-lowering statin drug?
The MedicationSense E-Newsletter 2008
A REPORT OF MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS IN A CASE OF FLUOROQUINOLONE TOXICITY.A man reports 95 percent improvement after finding an effective treatment 3 years after a severe reaction with Avelox (moxifloxacin).
Tim Russert: Would Fish Oils Have Saved His Life?When Russert, the political commentator, died suddenly at the age of 58, people were surprised. Unfortunately, there should be nothing surprising about sudden cardiac death.
Statin Side Effects: Do Doctors Take Patients’ Complaints Seriously?A new study reveals what happens when patients complain of statin side effects to doctors.
The MedicationSense E-Newsletter 2007
Statin Drugs, Liver Injury, and Cancer: Is There a Connection?A new study provides additional reasons to avoid high doses of statin medications.
More Doctors And Medical Centers Are Going “Pharm-Free. Choosing ethics over drug-company enticements; medical students a force.
Pushing High-Dose Lipitor: Medical Science or Slick Marketing? Thousands of drug sales reps are influencing doctors to prescribe high-dose Lipitor despite ongoing concerns about efficacy and safety.
The MedicationSense E-Newsletter 2006
High-Dose Lipitor For Strokes: How Effective, How Safe? A new study of high-dose Lipitor for people with strokes reveals minimal benefit and unanswered questions about safety, yet doctors are prescribing high-dose Lipitor to more patients.
A Preventive For Alzheimer’s Disease? Another powerful study shows a markedly reduced risk of Alzheimer’s with fish oils (omega-3 oils).
The Medical Profession And The Culture Of Corruption, Part 2:Just How Tainted Has Medicine Become? Another top medical journal asks a tough question about doctor-drug industry conflicts of interest.
Low-Fat Diets Don’t Work? Don’t Believe It! Sensationalistic newspaper headlines misrepresent three major, yet flawed studies. Here is what the studies actually found.
The MedicationSense E-Newsletter 2005
High-Dose Lipitor For Heart Attacks: How Effective, How Safe? A new study shows benefit, but also serious risks. Dr. Cohen explains who should use high-dose Lipitor — and who should not.
Crestor Side Effects Make More Headlines — But Underlying Causes and Preventive Measures are Again Ignored. A new study shows higher rates of adverse reactions with Crestor than with other statins.
NEW WARNING FOR CIPRO, LEVAQUIN, AND OTHER QUINOLONE ANTIBIOTICS Serious reactions continue to be reported. This article is an updated version of my original article on reactions to fluoroquinolone antibiotics.
Bextra: Designed By Pfizer to Fail. An open letter to Pfizer Inc. on the underlying reasons why Bextra was withdrawn.
Celebrex and Bextra: A Better Way to Make These Drugs Safer. A FDA Advisory Committee finds COX-2 drugs increase risks of heart attacks and strokes, advises stronger warnings — but does not go far enough.
The MedicationSense E-Newsletter 2004
What Now for Users of Vioxx, Celebrex, and Bextra? How to use anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) more safely — and natural alternatives that work.
Why Antidepressant Black-Box Warnings Aren’t Enough: What Doctors and Patients Can Do to Use Antidepressants Safely. A FDA Advisory Committee Recommendation for stronger warnings is a step forward, but not a solution.
Workplace Stress, Depression, and The Overuse of Antidepressant Drugs In The Workplace. An Interview with Richard Lippin M.D., an Expert on Occupational and Environmental Medicine.
The Truth About Crestor: Is Crestor Dangerous, And If So, Why? The intensive marketing of this new, super-strong, cholesterol-lowering statin drug raises questions and concerns.
Patients Regain the Right to Control Their Own Medications. Your consent is now required before your medications can be switched.
The Underlying Cause of Suicides and Homicides with SSRI Antidepressants: Is It the Drugs, the Doctors, or the Drug Companies? How a dysfunctional medical-pharmaceutical complex causes and perpetuates unnecessary harm.
The New Antidepressant Warnings: Not Enough to Prevent Further Harm. After finally issuing warnings 16 years late, authorities fail to tell doctors and patients how to prevent serious harm, leaving millions at further risk.
Dr. Cohen Debates The FDA. Dr. Cohen and Dr. Robert Temple, the FDA’s top medication expert, squared off again at the Meeting of the American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics.
Interview: Duane Graveline Medical Doctor, Astronaut, and Critic of Lipitor and Other Cholesterol-Lowering Statin Drugs.
Interview with Bill Faloon of Life Extension Foundation. A recent clash with the FDA places the spotlight on the largest research and anti-aging organization in the U.S.
An Open Letter to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Serotonin-Enhancing Antidepressants in Youngsters. There is a reason that serotonin-enhancing antidepressants (SSRIs) are repeatedly linked to suicides and homicides, and there is a solution to this problem.
Antidepressant Side Effects: A Doctor Describes Her Adverse Reaction to an Antidepressant Drug. Dr. Cohen explains how to prevent SSRI reactions.
How Low Should Cholesterol Lowering Go? While new studies encourage the aggressive use of statins, patients continue to balk. Why?
An Open Letter To Congress on Severe, Disabling Reactions with Cipro, Levaquin, and Other Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics. Why hasn’t the FDA acted?
Prilosec OTC: When to Use It Instead of Other Over-The-Counter Heartburn Remedies? What the Product Label Doesn’t Tell You.
The MedicationSense E-Newsletter 2003
Omega-3 Oils Prevent Sudden Cardiac Death. The sudden deaths of sports heroes John Unitas, Dave DeBusschere, and Darryl Kyle should have raised doctors’ awareness, but hasn’t.
What Now for Women Who Benefit from Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)?
AMA: Switching Patients’ Medication Without Their Consent is Unethical. Switching patients’ drugs without their input occurs frequently in health management systems today.
The HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) Debacle and What it Says About Drug Safety in America. New studies link the hormones in Prempro and Premarin with cancer and heart disease, yet why were three generations of women exposed before discovering these risks?
Serious Reactions Associated with Cipro, Levaquin, and Related Antibiotics. Since the publication of my article on Cipro’s side effects in 2001, I have received hundreds of reports of devastating reactions linked to fluoroquinolone antibiotics.
Cohen, Nader, Rosenfeld, Kelly Address Drug Company Leaders. Fireworks exploded when Ralph Nader squared off against Pfizer President Patrick Kelly, while malpractice attorney Stephen Sheller told the drug industry to develop a “greed pill” for itself.
Prescription Drug Use in America: The Startling Numbers and Their Implications. During 2002, Americans filled 12 prescriptions for every man, woman, and child.
Chocolate: A Health Food? Can we believe a recent study’s claims about the benefits of chocolate?